Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is behind STRIKE OUTSET?

A broad range of artists, educators, and art & culture workers. The following groups have signed up to STRIKE OUTSET as initiating signatories of the campaign:

Artists and Culture Workers LDN
Artworkers for Palestine Scotland
BDZ (Boycott Zabludowicz)
Cinenova Working Group
Cultural Workers against Genocide
Goldsmiths for Palestine
Other Cinemas
The White Pube

Strike Outset follows the PACBI Guidelines for the International Cultural Boycott of Israel. We ask everyone to sign and declare their public support for the strike, as a clear statement of solidarity with a Free Palestine.

Does STRIKE OUTSET apply to all of Outset’s chapters?

Yes - STRIKE OUTSET is a pledge to strike ALL of Outset’s chapters and projects worldwide. Different Outset chapters are funded and run in different ways, but until Outset as a brand ceases to normalise the actions of the Israeli state, they are all part of its artwashing mechanism.

What does being a signatory involve?

Signatories refuse all forms of support and subsidy from Outset and refuse to participate in their residency programmes. We ask signatories to research all events and exhibitions in advance to make sure that Outset are not involved. Signatories should refuse opportunities of any kind involving Outset.

We don’t ask signatories to boycott other institutions working with Outset. STRIKE OUTSET is a boycott of Outset not its partners, current or past. However, we encourage artists and others working in institutions that have partnerships with Outset to call on them to end these and to raise awareness among all involved.

It doesn’t matter if you have worked with Outset in the past. Starting now, STRIKE OUTSET is a collective refusal to assist Outset in artwashing the illegal and immoral actions of the Israeli state. It is a call to end our silence and complicity.

If you want to sign STRIKE OUTSET but you are unsure of a specific case, get in touch. We are happy to work together to support individuals and organisations to join the strike.

While our collective aim is to effect institutional change and make it impossible for Outset to operate in its current form, in accordance with BDS guidelines we are not targeting fellow artists, colleagues, freelancers and other workers. Nonetheless, we do aim to communicate the urgency of disentangling ALL our labour from the promotion of apartheid and genocide. Together we can do this!